杭 颖,张一青*
(苏州市市场监督管理局,江苏苏州 215031)
中图分类号:F203 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2021)05-0119-0004
Problems and Improvement Measures of Rapid Detection for Food Safety Supervision in Suzhou
HANG Ying, ZHANG Yi-qing*
(Suzhou Administration For Market Regulation, Suzhou Jiangsu 215031, China)
Abstract:Rapid detection for food safety is developing continuously with the society increasing concern. The relevant laws and regulations have made clear that the rapid safety detection should be applied to food safety supervision. However, there are still many problems in reality, including rapid detection technology, product quality and enterprise management. This paper analyzes the problem of quick inspection products, explores the improvement measures of Suzhou in the application of food safety supervision, effectively give full play to the advantages of quick inspection technology, and comprehensively boost the food safety supervision work.
Keywords:food safety; rapid detection; product evaluation